Anyone else feelin’ like it’s our first day of teaching, regardless of the years we’ve put in? This year will be unlike any other, so let’s stick together and share ways to help our friends and colleagues through a year that’s sure to be full of firsts!


Here are 5 Ways to Calm the Back To School Jitters in




 1. Be who they need to you to be.


Know that there will be light at the end of the tunnel and that one day we will look back on these days as the ones that forced us to find strength to move forward. What kind of person do you want to reflect back on in two years? Make yourself proud!


2. Be an inspiration to fellow co-workers.


It can seem easier to pick apart the things that are going wrong in a day or with a plan, choose to set your intention to do the best that you can with what you’re given and look only to give solution-focused feedback when things that you try really aren’t working.


3. Consider what you need, then find a way to try to be that person for your staff and students.


Who do you wish you were working with? Who do you look up to? Find a mentor and look for ways to become that person today for your students, parents and staff.



4. Take care of yourself with positive affirmations and one kind thing you’ll do for yourself each day.


It can be as simple as a fresh lemon water, a walk with a family member or friend, walking the dog, a 20 minute workout, or a quick meditation. Make yourself a promise when you wake up to do one kind thing for yourself today!


5. Practice gratitude and positive affirmations.

Start a journal or throw a post-it up somewhere to remind yourself to start your day feeling grateful for what you already have. It can be as simple as feeling grateful for the healthy heart, lungs and body that will carry you through this day. 

Remind yourself that you’ve got this! Tell yourself that you’ve got what it takes out loud and write it down somewhere that you’ll see it throughout the day. You are a strong, capable teacher and leader. Don’t let yourself forget it!




This year we are being faced with more challenges than we have ever had before. It can be super easy to become overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious about the way that our jobs look in 2020. Try these tips to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself, so that you can take care of those 25 little ones too!


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Micki Banks

Micki has been working in education since 2014 and is currently finishing her Master of Education degree , specializing in Guidance and Counselling. She is currently a Guidance Counsellor at a K-8 school and has a range of teaching experience in Grades 2 through Grade 5. Her passions are relationships both in and outside of the classroom as well as the mental health of teachers and their students.

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