Planning for a sub can be super-easy with the right prep work that’s done up ahead of time! Here are some quick and easy tips (with a FREE template) that will help you plan for a sub in 30-minutes or less!
What to include:
There are tons of sub prep plans out there that will list these “must-haves” and a whole lot more.
For me, I would rather have things in a quick at-a-glance spot than in a big binder, but do what works for you! Just make sure that if you have a large, comprehensive binder of information that you also have a quick “at-a-glance” sheet made up for your sub.
Some things to include in your sub plan are:
- Schedules
- Day plans/procedures/routines
- Emergency and health care plans
- Class lists/attendance/learning adaptations
- Names of important staff
- Class incentive program
- Computer passwords
- Students to keep an eye on
- Back-up activities
- Space to fill in notes
PRO-TIP: Use the date and day of the cycle to save your sub plans. This will make it even faster if another similar day comes up that you need a sub plan for!
What activities to plan
With solid procedures and routines in place in your classroom, your sub should have no problem picking up where you leave off!
If you do things like Daily 5, Writer’s Workshop, Math Centers- make sure these are included in your sub plans. This ensures that your students will get the same quality of lessons while you’re away! These are all included in my free sub plan template that you can grab below!
*Don’t plan for sheet work or time-fillers! Leave these for emergencies or extra activities just in case, but make sure that your class is still getting quality days in, even if you’re not there.*
If you’re OK with it, leave a note that lets your subs know to toss in any new activities or games that they would like. I’ve learned a few new games, plus reading and writing lessons this way as well!
There are lots of sub plan resources out there as well, here’s an example of a good one that I’ve found!
If you take some time in the beginning to get things like your expectations, procedures, and class lists together- it makes making a sub plan super quick and easy when the time comes!
I take this one step further and put my regular routines such as Daily 5 and Math Centers into each slot of a blank day plan. This way there’s really only a few things to fill in when the time comes to plan for a sub!
Here’s an example of one of my sub plans, as well as a sample day plan with Daily 5 and Math Centers explained.
(Or click below for my FREE editable sub plan template!)
Good Morning, Wednesday, October 21st, Day 1
Thanks for coming in, this is a great group of students!
I have an EA in the morning, (name) and another in the afternoon, (name of EA). These girls are amazing and will be working with (student name) but can also help you with anything that you might need throughout the day.
There is a pink emergency folder at the front of the room with class lists and anything else you should need. If you have any questions at all, (helpful teachers) are super helpful and are just across the hall!
We have one student with a URIS plan in our room, (student name). You will find his URIS plan in the pink emergency binder. A few students that may need reminders to stay on task are (student names). Please keep an extra eye on (student names) at recess.
We have Banks Bucks (or any class incentive that you use) in the blue, red, and yellow drawers on the desk at the North side of the room. These are for individuals working hard or who go above and beyond to be a kind/helpful classmate. (If any get up to 10 they can cash them in with me next Friday)
If at any time you need an extra or a quieter activity you can read (current read aloud), play Albert’s Insomnia or do independent reading. There is also a Guest Teacher bin behind my desk with copies of extra activities for all subjects.
Any of their scribblers or duotangs that you will need are in their black kits that they keep at their desk all day.
Please feel free to toss in any fun games or activities throughout the day if you would like. Any of these jobs can be finished tomorrow as well!
Please have students clear their desks before recess and lunch- they will be sanitized while they’re outside. Please also tell the students that I will be super proud if they can leave the room as tidy as they normally do for the custodians at the end of the day.
I hope you have a great day, thanks again for coming in!
8:50-9:15 —> ELA: Please have students get ready for Daily 5 as they come in. They will need a good book for read to self and read to someone. Once most of them are in (around 9:00) please call them to the carpet for Book of the Day. (Please choose a storybook from the black shelf of books) We are working on summarizing so if you’d like to ask one or two students to practice summarizing the story, that would be great!
9:15- 9:35–> Daily 5: Boys can read-to-self, girls can read to someone. (List 4 students) can listen to read if they would like. If you would like to do a reading conference with a few of the boys, that would be great!
9:35-9:55–> Spelling: Please ask students to head back to their desks for spelling. They should be finished at least 3 activities and 4 sentences in their spelling booklets but some will work ahead. (Read to Self if/as they finish).
9:55-10:15–> Daily 5: Girls can read-to-self, boys can read to someone. (List 4 new students) can listen to read if they would like. If you would like to do a reading conference with a few of the girls, that would be great!
10:15-10:25–> Daily 5: Share outs: We usually end Daily 5 with some sharing about today’s reading. They love this part so you should see lots of hands up! Here are a few prompts if you would like:
– Did anyone make an inference today?
– Anyone have a good prediction for what will happen next in their books?
– Any connections to the stories today?
– Anyone want to try summarizing a chapter they read today?
10:25-10:40 RECESS
10:40-10:55: Math–> Daily Math- week 13-14: Please have students work on this as they come in from recess. It should be very quiet in the room for this! If anyone finishes early, they can get started on their Mathletics booklets.
10:55-11:15: Mathletics & Math Centers–> I have Laptop Cart 1 booked- the key for the laptops is in the office. Passwords for all students/websites are printed on the whiteboard.
Group 1: Please ask students to do two rounds on and then work on their Mathletics assignments.
Group 2: Work on Mathletics booklets. Please work with a small group at my table or help individual students as needed.
11:15-11:40: Mathletics & Math Centers–> Switch groups! 😊 At 11:35, please ask the two computer helpers to plug all laptops back in and return the cart to the office. I usually end math with a game- Buzz and Albert’s Insomnia are two favorites. If you have a new one to introduce, that’s awesome too!
11:40-12:40: LUNCH
12:40-1:10: ELA–> Silent reading- if you wouldn’t mind conferencing with a few of the students, that would be great!
1:10-1:45: TUSC (Totally Unique Speaking Club) –> Students are working on individual research projects that we will present next week. They each have one book to use for their research. As they finish their templates, they can move into Writer’s Workshop.
1:45-2:15: Writer’s Workshop –> Students are all working on their own personal narratives. Most will be at the editing stage, if you wouldn’t mind conferencing with a few that are ready, that would be great!
2:15-2:30: RECESS Outdoor Duty- please monitor soccer field
2:30-2:45: Agenda/Silent Choice –> Agenda Note: PJ Day tomorrow!
Free Silent Choice- Reading, catch up work, cards or sketching is all OK as long as they are doing it quietly so everyone can focus!
2:45-3:30: Art –> Art Hub: Please ask students to take out their sketchbooks for an Art Hub. Art Hub is a guided drawing channel on YouTube- please pick any animal that you’d like for them to draw. Remind students that we will be using one of these animal drawings for our next Habitats assignment, so make sure they try their best! Our class rule is that it’s “Zen quiet” while we watch the video tutorial. Once it’s finished, they can visit while they color. I sometimes put music on too, that’s totally up to you! 😊
And that’s it- it can be as simple as that!
In fact- the more simple and consistent that your sub days are for your students, the better! When they know what to expect, it’s that much easier for both them and your guest teacher.
There are lots of sub plans and comprehensive lists out there that you can follow, but sometimes I think that a simple at-a-glance version is best!
If you do have an entire sub plan binder, great! Just make sure that the important, need to know things are up front for your sub to quickly read over in the morning before they start their day.
If you have regular activities planned into your schedule, type these up ahead of time and use them in your sub template! When the time comes, you should be able to easily fill in the rest in 30-minutes or less!
Grab your editable version of my detailed sub plan, along with other great FREEBIES, below!

Micki Banks

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